Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Big puddles

Monday was such a great day. The kids could finally go out and play in nice warm weather. There is a huge puddle in our backyard which the kids of course have wanted to play in. I though for sure Dawson would be the first one to get wet in it, but no it was Travis. I've reminded my self it's just water and they're having fun. Travis has also been able to get out a remote control vehicle and drive it through the water. It's funny all the toys kids have and it's still more fun to play in puddles and mud!
Our ducks have also been enjoying this puddle. I love to look out and see them wadding around. Yes we are enjoying spring....


Monday, March 26, 2007

Busy days

Wow the days are just flying by here. It always seems that there's nothing going on or everything happens at once.

This past Friday night both Kaitlin and Travis had friends sleepover. That's always entertaining for Dan and I. Sat morning I drove one friend home and took my four and the other friend to school for its clown day. The kids got their faces painted and animal balloons. (all but Travis, he's always the stick in the mud) We could only stay for 45min because we had to be the other side of Auburn by 2:00. We met up with the Cub's at a sugar bush where we walked through the (very muddy) bush. Dawson of course lost his boots a couple times. I carried Kortney but her boots fell of to into the mud. Ya...lots of fun. After our little hike we went back to see the sap made into syrup. By 4:00 the kids were starting to get cold and grumpy so back home we went for supper. Did I mention Dan was curling all day kid free??!! Well once we were home yes all kids crashed. No a big deal but I had a babysitter coming at 9:00 and I didn't want them up all night. Dan and I had plans to go to a friends buck and Doe. Well I knew Dan would be gone all day and for supper but I thought he'd be back before 8:00. Oh no at 8:50 he showed up! I was not impressed. Our babysitter showed up right after so out the door we were again.

Once a month Dan's family takes turns renting the pool in Vanastra for an hour to swim. Sunday morning was swimming day. We were at the pool by 11:00 then right after I took Kaitlin to London to do some spring shopping. So ya, that's been our weekend in a nutshell. Today we've been at playgroup and now I really should get off the computer and clean my neglected house!

Hope everyone else is enjoying this spring weather too,


Monday, March 19, 2007

Hello all

Sorry I haven't written for a while, March break was a long week. Monday Kailey broke out in chicken pox so we were stuck at home. Travis went to a sleepover one night and Kaitlin got to go on a sleepover, daycamp and a birthday party. Monday night I took the kids to see a magic show but other then that we didn't do anything exciting. Wed night Dan was gone to a meeting so I treated the kids to McDonalds. This past weekend we were busy with my mom and Carl coming to visit Sat and Sun we went to Dan's parents. His sister and husband are visiting for a few days so the family got together.

Dawson was very upset he didn't get to do anything with friends last week so today after playgroup we invited his friend Sara over to play. It's nice, they're keeping each other entertained and there's no fighting going on yet.

Other then that life is pretty quiet right now. The few nice day we had last week have now turned cold again. It's not supposed to last. I can't wait for warm days and the smell of spring.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Back to reality!

We're back!!

After a wonderful week we are back to the reality of work and children!

We left last Sat and drove as far as Niagara Falls where we got a room. We took some time to see the falls and walk around the downtown at night. The next morning we were off to the states. By 3:30 we got to the resort in the Poconos. We were a little surprised when our room was in a round shaped building with no windows! We were lucky and got a really good deal on our room. It's usually $405 at night, we got it for$205/night. Inside the room was great. We had our own pool and sauna room off the bedroom, a heart shaped whirlpool tub, two TVs, a fireplace and a lots more. We weren't sure about no windows though. When we woke up in the morning it still felt like it was the middle of the night. Anyway the rest of the resort was awesome too. There was a inside pool and spa and health club, an amazing restaurant, a billiard room, a sports palace, a sports center, a chalet with a bond fire inside, and two nightclubs where there was entertainment and games every night. Everything was included except alcohol. Everyday we got fresh sheets and towels in our room, we could phone for breakfast in bed and there was a chariot that we could phone to take us back and forth to whatever building we wanted. I have to say a week without cooking and cleaning was wonderful. The food was amazing too. I couldn't eat a lot of it but the cooks made food I could eat.

Every night at the club had a different theme. We went to the mardi gras, Hawaiian, and Roman nights. One night there was also a comedian Scott Bruce who was hilarious. During the day there were lots of games and couple competitions to go to. We did the snowmobiling and tubing too. On Thurs we went to a horse ranch about 15 mins away where we went on an hour trail ride through the wood. We couldn't believe how many deer were in the area. At the resort you could see them all through the day and while in the woods on our trail ride we were able to get really close to them. There are lots of deer in Huron county too but not out in the daytime like that.

Well I know I'm rambling and it's getting late. Just wanted to say we had a wonderful week together and recommend every married couple with kids to get away from them at sometime! The break was well needed. So now that I'm back and refreshed I'm planning for next week when my four kids are home for March break plus Kailey will be here everyday. It should be interesting.
I'll let you know how my week is going,

Friday, March 2, 2007

Can you believe it.....Dan and I will have been married 10 years this July 26! Time goes so fast doesn't it. A friend first hooked us up when I was 14 and he was 17. For 2 years we were on and off again then have been together ever since. It's funny to remember back dating. In a way it doesn't seem so long ago. I think people thought we were crazy, me with a farmer and him with well not a farm girl. People also couldn't believe he was a beef farmer and I didn't (and still don't) eat red meat. Yes we have our differences but it works.
We got married at the "pond"on what's now our property. The service was outside with us in a gazebo built just for us. We rented a big tent and put it beside the shed. The meal and reception were in them. It was perfect. Even the rain ended just in time!! It was a day we'll never forget.
At 19 and 22 we were both still very young, and it's nice to remember back and see how far we've come. We've rented two houses together, built our dream house and have had four kids in the middle of all that. We are very lucky.
Tomorrow we go to celebrate our anniversary. (It's easier for Dan to get away from the farm in this weather). We are leaving the kids behind with family and we are heading to the Pocconos. We are staying there till Friday. It's going to be very strange being away from kids that long but I'm sure it will be great. So I'll write again and let you know about our holiday when we get back.