Can you believe it.....Dan and I will have been married 10 years this July 26! Time goes so fast doesn't it. A friend first hooked us up when I was 14 and he was 17. For 2 years we were on and off again then have been together ever since. It's funny to remember back dating. In a way it doesn't seem so long ago. I think people thought we were crazy, me with a farmer and him with well not a farm girl. People also couldn't believe he was a beef farmer and I didn't (and still don't) eat red meat. Yes we have our differences but it works.
We got married at the "pond"on what's now our property. The service was outside with us in a gazebo built just for us. We rented a big tent and put it beside the shed. The meal and reception were in them. It was perfect. Even the rain ended just in time!! It was a day we'll never forget.
At 19 and 22 we were both still very young, and it's nice to remember back and see how far we've come. We've rented two houses together, built our dream house and have had four kids in the middle of all that. We are very lucky.
Tomorrow we go to celebrate our anniversary. (It's easier for Dan to get away from the farm in this weather). We are leaving the kids behind with family and we are heading to the Pocconos. We are staying there till Friday. It's going to be very strange being away from kids that long but I'm sure it will be great. So I'll write again and let you know about our holiday when we get back.