Here are some pics of our newest additions. As some of you may know this past summer Dan bought two herds of sheep. 24 of them are due to have babies this Dec. Well the first three came on Thursday night. Unfortunately only one of the triplets survived. Since then there has been another 12 born. Everyone is cute and healthy. Most have been twins but tonight there were another set of triplets. The kids have been loving this. Every day they have been out there checking and counting the babies. They have even watched a bunch of them being born! Unlike cattle, the mom sheep are pretty tame so the kids have been petting and holding the babies a lot. Travis has claimed the one spotted one as his. The first set of babies needed to be bottle fed so the kids each got turns feeding them with the bottle. Dan has been busy making pens and moving them around. Tonight he did chores at the barn, came home for supper, then went out to the shed to look after the sheep, horses and other critters out there. It's 10:00 and he's still not in yet. Not sure if he's enjoying the sheep, but the kids are on cloud nine. Tonight Dawson told Dan that we were so lucky and that he's going to tell everyone at school that we have sheep. Even Kortney is having fun. Yesterday when the other kids went out I told her she had to stay in with me for now. Well she got really pissed and told said "Me is a big girl!"
Anyway, just thought I'd share our news. Wish us luck with the rest of the babies. Not sure how many we'll end up with!