First let me tell you that when you have a baby one of the most gifts next to clothes they receive seems to be stuffed animals. Over the past 10 years we have collect lots of them. I said about a year ago that we didn't need anymore. Since then though Kaitlin has become close friends with Ashlyn (her friend who is selectively mute.) Ashlyn loves Webkinz and has a big collection of them so of course Kailtin wanted one too.
(for those of you who don't know what a Webkinz is it's basically just a stuffed animal that comes with a code that lets you go on the Internet and create a world for the animals. These Webkinz are the "in toy" right now at school.)
Last year at Kaitlin's birthday she started her collection when she received one from a friend. Since then, with Christmas and Easter she has a group of 7 of them. 2 dogs, 2 horses, a kangaroo, a monkey, and a pig. Of course you have seen Dawson's Quackers on here (which we found). He now has 3 of them. A duck, and 2 dogs. Kortney also has gotten 3, a pig, a monkey and a horse. Travis has surprisingly gotten into this too and got a frog from the Easter bunny.
This week Dan told the kids that for helping with the baby sheep (that he just sold) he would give each of them some $ to buy something. Travis decided to by a game for his DS and Dawson thought he wanted a game too. Well when it came to Kaitlin and Kortney picking out their new Webkinz Dawson changed his mind and wanted another dog instead. I was really surprised...another stuffed dog over a Nintendo game??? What's even more silly is that we need high-speed Internet for the kids to go on the website, which we don't have. So for now they are just playing with them as stuffed animals.....Which I can't believe I've gotten sucked into the fad of them and allowing more animals in the house, but it's hard to say no when they are so in love with them. Last night Travis actually took quackers to bed with him so that froggy had a friend!!
Bizarre! So that's the update with us lately. More critters living here. At least these ones require little little care and are easily cleaned up after!