(and soon to come baby chicks this spring and maybe a turkey to replace LouLou ??Trent??)
I know most parents wouldn't allow the kids to have this much....but I am not most parents!....All but the fish and the new addition live out in the shed and the kids are good at helping with chores. The experience the kids have on the farm far outways any negatives of having these. I couldn't imagine going outside and not seeing ducks, a turkey and chickens wandering about and in the summer the bunnies out in the yard. And no there isn't poop all over! That's what you would think, but it's not like there's big numbers of them.
Anyway, here's the info on the newest member of the Hoggart farm!
Travis has been saving money up now for a while just not sure what to spend it on. He got so spoiled at Christmas with the Wii and games he didn't have anything he really wanted.
A couple of weeks ago we had the chance to buy a 1 year old mediterranean gecko. After some research I decided against that type of gecko and went looking for a leopard (or fat tail) gecko. The closest pet store is Wingham so away I went looking for more info. The store has 3 leopard geckos that live there and could order me a baby if I wanted. After taking Travis back to see them and talking about it we decided to order one. Thanks to my Aunt Danielle giving us her old aquarium that cut the cost down. So, here she is...still nameless, but very beautiful! It's hard to tell in the pictures but she has green, yellow, black, purple and orange on her! The kids are fascinated with watching holding her. Although she does hide and sleep a lot they can't help waking her up every so often to play with.