Like many other years in the past, today we went to the annual Blyth Threshers. It's a wonderful weekend of seeing antique tractors, different steam engines, a tractor pull, horse drawn plow demonstrations, threshing demonstrations, antiques, a petting zoo, craft show, tractor parade and much, much more. This weekend draws hundreds of people with camping trailers to the small village of Blyth which is buzzing all weekend long with garage sales and visitors.
Every year the kids make a rope using an old fashioned metal rope making machine. It's always a must stop while walking around.

Here the kids are using an old fashioned machine to take dry corn of the cob and then grind it up.

It was a perfect day, not too hot, not too cold and the rain clouds kept moving without stopping on us!

Another tradition of the day is stopping to watch how people used to make iceream, then getting to buy some for a treat!

Kaitlin was the only one who wanted to try this rope bridge!

I love this picture.....this man was on the wagon forking the grain onto the threshing machine when the wind blew off his hat. Kortney was quick to grab it and give it back!

Travis and Dan watching the threshing demo. The grain that was coming off was actually being loaded into one of our wagons and coming back to our house!