Saturday, October 31, 2009

Anyone who knows Dawson has seen his high energy and love to run. He is always doing laps around the inside of the house and constantly wanting to play something with a ball. One of his favourite things to do on the Wii is see how many pushups he can do on the Wii fit. For Christmas he wants to ask for a treadmill! He has seen one at a friends house and thinks it's very cool. He's a very active little boy who thinks he can anything and always want to show me how he can balance something, jump some way, run so fast, and do some trick.

Today was the schools Cross Country meet at our school with 5 other schools coming to compete. This is optional for anyone to participate. Of course Dawson was very excited and "trained" at school before hand.

Here is the 6 and 7 years old boys from Hullett. Dawson is third from the left on the bottom.
At the starting line waiting to go!

This is near the finish line and Dawson is coming!

Even with having to stop to fix his shoes Dawson ended up 7th in the 6/7 years olds group from all the schools! He was very happy and can't wait to do it again next year!

Picking pears

We are very lucky to have neighbours down the road from us with a great pear tree. Tonight friends of ours came with us to pick pears. The kids were very excited about it, since everyday we drive past the tree they've noticed how loaded the tree is this year. Well they picked some, played some and were not ready to leave once we were done! By the end we had 6 full boxes and the tree was still covered. And what did we do with all those pears?? Well I kept 3 boxes which I canned and gave the others boxes to friends who also canned them. A lot of work, but so much better then the store bought kind that doesn't come from anywhere near Canada!

Shayna, Kaitlin and Sydney


Dawson and Sara!

Travis picking and Kim catching! she picking oh no, she's posing for the camera!

Tony helped us get some from higher up.

Dawson taking pictures of me.

Queen Annabelle

Here are two short videos of Annabelle our pigmy goat. She has discovered the flowers and bushes and has decided that afew of them are quite tasty! She is sneaky too. She knows she's not supposed to be there but will try get her way. With the other animals on the farm she tries to hold her top rank among them and doesn't want to follow any rules of the farm. Like staying in her pen and out of the flowerbeds! She has quite the personality and honestly I like her. She has spunk and she's always making me laugh or yell.

Here's some of our ongoing fight! (and some of cute Dawson too!)

Blyth Threshers 09

Like many other years in the past, today we went to the annual Blyth Threshers. It's a wonderful weekend of seeing antique tractors, different steam engines, a tractor pull, horse drawn plow demonstrations, threshing demonstrations, antiques, a petting zoo, craft show, tractor parade and much, much more. This weekend draws hundreds of people with camping trailers to the small village of Blyth which is buzzing all weekend long with garage sales and visitors.

Every year the kids make a rope using an old fashioned metal rope making machine. It's always a must stop while walking around.

Here the kids are using an old fashioned machine to take dry corn of the cob and then grind it up.

It was a perfect day, not too hot, not too cold and the rain clouds kept moving without stopping on us!

Another tradition of the day is stopping to watch how people used to make iceream, then getting to buy some for a treat!

Kaitlin was the only one who wanted to try this rope bridge!

I love this picture.....this man was on the wagon forking the grain onto the threshing machine when the wind blew off his hat. Kortney was quick to grab it and give it back!

Travis and Dan watching the threshing demo. The grain that was coming off was actually being loaded into one of our wagons and coming back to our house!