I will write though how incredibly awesome the weekend of the wedding was and how much fun we had getting to know Marc and Heather's friends and family. First there was the bachelorete party in Toronto, manicures with the girls, a rehearsal BBQ back at the pond, a trip to the salon for our hair Sat morning, the wedding, then the Sunday brunch the next day. Everything was wonderful, and beautiful. It was hard to say goodbye to the people we met and spent so much time with. Especially for the kids. They had so much fun chatting, playing and dancing with all their new friends and of course Marc and Heather! We have some great memories and pictures of the weekend to look back on and share.
Travis loved the little bits of StarWars that was worked into the day, and he had fun dancing and talking Star Wars with the guys. He will always look up to Marc and think he is the coolest!
Kaitlin loved getting her nails and hair done and being part of the girly things. She also loved dancing and her steak dinner that night!!
Dawson had sooo much fun telling Star Wars quotes to get Marc and Heather to kiss and also had a blast dancing!
Kortney loved it all. She made a new friend Emily, loved showing off her dress and hair, and loved all the dancing that night!
All of the kids thought staying over night at BenMiller was very cool too. From the cool buildings, to our huge room (with two tvs) to the pool and hot tub. We drove past BenMiller today and they were asking if we would ever be going there again.
Hopefully you can check out the photos in my facebook page and see a small bit of how wonderful our weekend was.
Congratulations to Marc and Heather!!!! The day was fairy tale perfect just like them.....We can't wait to hear all about their honeymoon in Hawaii when they get home!