Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas talent show

This year Kaitlin decided that she would like to be part of the Londesboro United Church Christmas talent concert. Since we are not members (but Dan's parents are) I wasn't sure if there would be room for Kaitlin to join. She took it on herself to find out by asking her friend then Barb who is the organist of the church if she could dance. Barb then phoned me to ask if I knew about the concert and to tell me about her conversation with Kaitlin. She was very happy Kaitlin had asked her and of course she would add Kaitlin's name to the night. From there Kaitlin told me what song she needed and by herself danced in her room very excited about the upcoming concert. She picked out one of her costumes from last years ballet and every time I asked her if she had a routine planned out she would just reply "kinda, I'm just going to make it up as I go!" Needless to say I was a little nervous, but right up to the night I didn't see any nervousness from her. She was just so confident that she would do a good job and acted like she did this all the time!  I'm so proud of her and am always amazed by her self esteem. I have been told by many people how wonderful of a girl she is and how lucky we are. We are truly blessed to have her in our family. I'd like to think as parents we have helped mold her into this great girl, but I really think she was born this way and we are just very lucky to call her ours.
Here are some photos of the night. Not great photos, but the best I could get. There were almost 20 different acts to watch. They were are great, cute and priceless!  Here are just a few.

The first act we saw was from the Brohman family. The sisters Brette and Darcy were helped by their mom to put the pictures on the overhead. Teag and his Dad told the story of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. They did an awesome job!

Here are the girls with their hair up as Suzie Lou of Houville!

Here are Cassie and Chloe singing Rodolph The Red Nosed Reindeer!
Shayna reciting the poem Five Little Bells
Sydney talking to Mrs Claus before playing the piano.
And Sara singing Nuttin For Christmas.
One of the favourties was Jane and her dog Daisy showing of their many tricks.
Another Christmas song preformed.
The group of kids all waiting for Santa to make a special visit!

Kaitlin and Kortney both sat with Santa after the show. Kortney's turn was before I got downstairs. The boys wouldn't take part!

And here is Kaitlin's performance I recorded on my camera. It's a bit dark. She was the only one not to perform a Christmas song, but she didn't care!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

So much snow!!!!

As a lot of you have heard on the news, our area in Ontario has been blasted with an ongoing storm now that's lasted almost two weeks! Schools have been closed, the kids have had 6 snow days in a week and a half, roads have been closed and Christmas shopping for many people has been at a standstill. Twice we've have had a friend bring milk and bread to the end of our lane way where we had to walk out to get it! Dan has been blowing snow before going to milk in the morning then most days had to blow out the lane way again (here and at the barn down the road).

The kids and I have been snowed in here most days. Yesterday while we could get out of our lane way, we got stuck on the road in a drift/ditch! We have been keeping busy doing lots of baking, playing games and trying to break up frozen water bowls for the animals in the shed.

All my plans have been canceled this week, but today the kids went to school!!! Hopefully the worst is over and next week when they're actually on vacation we will be able to get out and visit with friends and be free to leave the house...Dan has asked me to please stay home if the road is bad again....I said I'll try :)

Here are the kids at the beginning of last week making forts in the drift out back.

Dawson in his hole!
Kortney still trying to swing!
Travis not happy I'm taking his picture!
Kaitlin shoveling out her hole!
Now here is the same drift this week.

The girls
The front trees.
And Kortney on the porch!
As much as I love having snow before Christmas, I hope Mother Nature has run out for now and we all can have a great Christmas with family and friends!