Sunday, December 10, 2006

Out my side door

I just love winter days like these. You can feel the excitement of Christmas in the air and the thrill of the first sledding of the season. This picture is looking out my side door. If you look closely enough you can see Dan and the kids on the hills sledding.
To be honest I love days like today watching from inside! I hate being cold and the wind blowing right through me. I was so glad that Dan took them out while I stayed in with Kortney... Another day I'll bundle up enough to fly down the hills too. =)
For now I'll stay warm and try to be in the moment of enjoying this time of year. I've got Christmas music on in the background, my lights on my tree shining and the kids outside loving the snow.
A month from now when Christmas is over I know I'll be out of this mood and hating this weather! Gotta enjoy it while it lasts!!


Unknown said...

Hey Michelle! Hope you, Dan and the kids are safe and happy! I am also looking foward to Christmas, and looking forward to some snow!!
Lots of Love ~Tabitha

Anonymous said...

What a lovely thought to hear...and what a peaceful image to see the kids and Dan out on the Londsborough Slopes!
love mom