Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!

The kids and I made our own valentines last week when we were storm stayed. They turned out really good. We melted down all the crayons we could find in the house them broke them into pieces. We filled up a heart shaped muffin tinthen melted them in the oven. (this was not my idea. I saw it in a magazine.) Anyway we made about 55 of them! The hardest part was peeling the paper of them. Travis and Kaitlin had enough for their class and we had have some extras I'll take to playgroup tomorrow.

The kids came home today with all their valentines from school. They were so happy with the little treats they got.

Hope everyone else has a good day,


1 comment:

JJ said...

Hi Michelle! I love your crayon hearts...what a great are a brave Mommy for trying it out. Hope you had a Happy "heart" day!


PS. I hear it's supposed to get up to plus 1 next week - hang in there!