Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thankful Reminders

Baby Dawson
Yesterday a friend of mine had to take her daughter to the McMaster Hospital for an appointment. She asked if I would go along with her for company. Off we went for Hamilton with 3 kids. We left her other son home sick with a cold. Brianna, Dawson and Kortney were very good considering the long trip there, two hours at the hospital then another drive home. ( with a small shopping trip in between!)
Thankfully Brianna so far is ok. We have to wait another month and hope her symptoms can be controlled with diet.
I have to say though going to a big hospital like that with so many people there is very disturbing to me. Just in the waiting room we were in there were 6 other babies there waiting to be seen. All of them were under 6 months old. There were other little kids there two who obviously had been there before. I've been extremely lucky that all four of my kids are healthy. Only Travis has had a couple stitches but other then that just normal flu, colds and minor bumps and bruises. (Please don't let this jinx myself!!!)
I consider myself a very grateful person but during the everyday shuffle of life it's easy to forget how our lives really are. I can't begin to imaging the hell a lot of people go through. And if I sit and think about it too much it's all to overwhelming. I can't help but imagine the thoughts and feelings others would be going through....
I want to raise my kids knowing how lucky they are and be willing to help others. This can be very frustrating when they just don't understand they have so much to be grateful for. I'm trying not to preach too much and hope that they'll learn from remodeling. They're very aware that whenever we see someone needing donations that putting money in the box is just something we do. I don't know, I'm hoping that when they get older they'll then be able to look back on they're childhood and "get it".
So the yesterday was one of those little reminders for me that yes my life is great and we are so very blessed. I can't help but pray we stay like this.

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