Travis gluing sticks.

sorry this is out of order. Here are just 2 of the over 20 projects.

The outside of Travis' cabin. The roof is bark and the cardboard tube is a chimney. The roof lifts up to show the inside.

A couple weeks ago Travis started building a log cabin for a project for school. It was to be done at home using only "natural products". Nothing was to be bought from a store. No problem, Travis had fun going to the bush, collecting twigs to glue on a box and decorating the inside of his cabin. It looked great and he was so proud of it.
Friday I drove him to school to drop it off and I was blown away. (the grade threes built cabins, the grade fours built castles) Well some of the projects took two people to bring them into the gym. They were all very fancy. I couldn't believe it. I had no idea the projects were going to be that elaborate. Some of them actually had logs crissed crossed together like a cabin with gardens and whole farms on the outside and even outhouses. They were amazing...obviously there was a lot of parent involvement. Last night the parents could go in to view the projects. I promised Travis we would go and see. (through all of this Travis hasn't complained about his project or said anything)
When we got there last night his teacher was there. I told her I was surprised how big the other projects were. Another mom came in and we got talking. The teacher made the comment that she doesn't expect the kids to do everything on the project. In fact in the some of the kids comments in the written part they answered their favourite part of the project was working with mom or dad. I was floored!! Here I'm looking at these cabins and castles thinking the parents must have done a ton of work on these. I just figured it was the child's project which meant the parents can help but not do it for them!!! I wish she would have wrote a note to the parents saying parent involvement expected. So stupid me made a sarcastic comment "Well Travis did most of it himself, I definitely didn't do half of it!"
Anyway, I feel like I failed Travis by not helping him do more. I mean I did help him but I didn't realize how fancy the other projects would be. It's stupid really. I feel sick about the whole thing. I just hope Travis gets a good mark since his is really good just on a smaller scale.
I'm not sure why this is bugging me so much....You always here people talking about parents taking over and doing the projects and I assumed that's not what the teacher wanted. I guess next time I know.