Saturday, June 2, 2007

A long week

This past week has been busy and long. Last Sat Travis had four friends sleepover for his birthday. It actually went really good. Everyone played great and had fun. I was surprised how well they all were. I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into but they played and entertained themselves so the hardest thing was feeding them. Five 9 year old boys eat a lot of pizza, chips and lemonaid. In the morning Dan cooked pancakes but I think most of them were still pretty tired out.

The rest of the week wasn't so good. Kortney, Kaitlin, Dawson and myself ended up getting the stomach flu. Not nice. Kortney got it the worse. It was a long week of cleaning up puke. The bug was strange. One minute they were getting sick then next they were up and playing again. It was very on and off. Travis and Dan so far have missed the bug and hopefully will stay that way.

Last night Dan surprised me by taking the boys to the demolition derby at the Clinton spring fair. I took the girls to Goderich to do some shopping. Kaitlin loves going with me without the boys. We stopped and got flurries at McDonalds which made the night special too.
Today Kaitlin had a sleepover/birthday party to go to and the boys had a birthday party to go to this afternoon. It's been a quite day for me without all the kids. Tonight a good friend phoned me up to get a coffee and chat. It was really nice. She's moving in a couple months and I'm going to miss her lots. I'm excited for her but sad that she's leaving. Good friends are hard to come by....I'll miss our nights out to talk. She's going to be 2 hrs away soon so we're going to have to rely on the phone and computer more.
Oh ya and about the picture of Travis - this week at school he got to meet an author he really likes. His teacher is always trying to get the boys reading and enjoying reading. She found these books and Travis loves them. The series of them are called And Then It Happened by M&L Wade. I haven't had a chance to sit down with them to find out what all the fuss is about so I'm curious. I sent money to school with him to by the set of them. Tonight while I was cutting grass he made himself comfortable and was reading. I had to take a picture.
So that's an update on the Hoggarts week. Hope everyone else is enjoying this summer weather.

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