Tuesday, September 4, 2007

An update

The last few days have been busy for us. This weekend my family came to celebrate Kortney's 2 birthday (which is actually on the 7) I can't believe my baby is 2!! She is nonstop playing and getting into everything. Her favourite song to sing right now is "ring around the rosie" and "happy birthday". She is a silly little girl who spends her days copying everything her siblings are doing.

Yesterday I became an aunt for the 5th time!! Dan's sister Debby and Scott had a baby boy - Andrew William Niccoli. Since Dan took the call I don't know many details other then it was a c-section and he's 7lbs 8oz, and has red hair! I can't wait to see them....I'm not sure if I have to wait till Christmas or if I can make it up to Pembroke before that.

Today as you all will know was the first day of school. Travis was not thrilled, Kaitlin was excited. I was glad to see them go! Although the summer didn't seem long enough, the kids are in need of a break from each other and me! Dawson has to wait till next Wed for his first day. Today he gets to play with Chloe. I'm back into the routine of care giving. Tues to Thurs I have Kailey, Chloe and Cassie here. We're all having a quite time now. Three of them are sleeping.

So that's the update for now.


Congratulations Debby and Scott!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! that is weird. One of Samanatha's favorites i "Ring around the Rosie" as well. Maybe @ Christmas we can have them play together instead of Gramma having to fall down. Not as easy getting up anymore. But I wouldn't miss it for the world