Dan, Dawson, Kaitlin and Travis
Kaitlin and Dawson with the other "family" goat
I'll back track a little. Ever since Travis was little he has wanted a goat. God know why??? They are smelly things and I always thought he'd change his mind. When we got sheep he was mad that we couldn't get goats instead. So Dan brought up the idea about getting one for his birthday. I have to laugh a little, since it seems silly for a 10 year olds present to be a goat, but tonight when we took him to pick out his "present" he was thrilled! It was like Christmas morning for him. He got to pick one he liked then Dan picked another one so it would have company. Travis was so happy. Who would have thought!
So our shed, which really is a barn now has two more critters added to it tonight. The kids have told me we're just missing a pig, rooster, and a donkey. Yes it's turned into a petting zoo out there!
Tomorrow Travis turns 10, which I can't believe. How scary it is to think how fast time is going by. He has invited 6 friends over for a sleepover/party. I'm really hoping my house stays in one piece when it's all over. Surely 10 year old boys will be good and entertain each other.....Between outside, the gamecube, and movies I'm hoping the night will go smoothly.
Wish me luck!
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