Anyone who knows Kortney has seen the spark of cuteness, attitude, and silliness she has in her. She is a funny little girl that makes the whole family laugh. Yes she is the baby of the four so the other three are either helping/playing with her or complaining that she's into their things. Being the baby though does not hold her back from doing all that she can to keep up with the rest! She is smart and doesn't miss a beat in a conversation. Size does not hold her back either. At barely 25 lbs and smaller then any of her friends of the same age,but it's her that I have to tell to be gentle! I guess she has learned to stand up for herself and also has learned to deal with situations by copying what she sees her siblings do.....not always the best role models!! People see this cute little girl and are surprised to see the willpower and toughness she has.
She once again proved this the other day at the hospital. Kortney has had a strange "blood spot" thing on her chest now for almost 2 months that she would not leave alone. The more she fussed with it the more it would bleed and the bigger it got. I had took her to the emerge where the doctor told me it was just a superficial thing that due to her age didn't really need to be removed. Well it got worse and she started reacting to the band aids that were covering it too. So back to emerge we went were the doctor offered to remove it that night. I agreed, and hoped that she didn't freak out to much about it. Well the whole time we were in there she was talking away to the nurse and doctor and asking questions. When it came time to remove it the nursed asked if she should wrap her so she would be still. We decided not to since she was calm and happy still. The doctor started by giving her a needle to freeze the area. Well she didn't move or fuss at all! The doctor removed the mole spot then cauterized it. Well she layed there as perfect as could be just holding my hand. I was more upset watching then she was. She didn't shed one tear and didn't fuss once. The doctor, nurse and I were amazed. They were very surprised how calm she was! Back home she was proud to show off to Daddy that her spot was gone and that the doctor "burned" it off!
The other thing most people know about Kortney is her love of animals. She talked her dad into letting her bring a kitten from the barn home to live in the shed. Well it became a joke that everytime time someone came here she was always dragging this kitten around with her. The kitten amazingly didn't mind a bit and let Kortney hold it and bring it everywhere. The kitten "little lilly" was here all summer and fall and winter up intill just before Christmas. The poor thing did not make it through the winter in the cold. So I have a sad little girl wandering around the shed while we do chores without her kitten! This spring there will be lots more at the barn, but until then it's just not the same.
Here are some pics of her with "little lilly".
Everyday in the summer Kortney would talk me into letting her bring the kitten inside for 10 mins. Her mean daddy won't let her have a inside cat!!
Here she is riding her stick pony while holding the kitten!

Here they fell asleep together!