Oh well...This weekend was Travis' first broomball tournament in Mildmay. It started on Sat morning at 7:00am and of course Travis' team played first. Since Dan was gone all day in Guelph that was going to mean me getting four kids out the door before 6:00 to get to Mildmay for the boys to be ready to play by 7:00!!. Thank goodness for Nick's mom who took the boys! The other three and I got there for their second game at 10:30. The team won both games. The first, to one of the Mildmay teams and the other to Seaforth. Both Nick and Travis did awesome and got a little more aggressive towards the ball. (both of them have been a little passive when it came to going after and fighting for the ball) The team then moved on to play Sunday morning at 8:00 against Palmerston. Again they won which advanced them to the gold silver game against Innisfil. The game was a good one and close. In the end the lost 1 nothing and got second on the A side. The kids were a bit disappointed (I think they were getting used to winning all the time), but they did awesome and were reminded that silver was really good.
From here they have afew more Sunday games then on Feb 13 they're off to Barrie for a weekend tournament which they are very excited for. Dan is going with them (he's been helping coach the team). Travis is excited to be staying at a hotel which he hasn't done before.
Here are some pics of the weekend.
Nick and Travis with their metals!
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