It's that time of year again for Kaitlin's ballet recital. When I say recital it almost sounds "schoolish". The dancing takes place at the Blyth Theater on a real stage with real dressing rooms. (3 years ago it was in a school instead) The almost 3 hr presentation is quite impressive with the showcase of dance classes including ballet, tap, jazz and highland. After that there is always a ballet production. This year was Swan Lake and yes Kaitlin is finally old enough to have a part in it this year. Her group were the 'children' of the story. Kaitlin has been very excited about today and hasn't minded the hours of rehearsal that went into it. She isn't stage shy and loves everything about it from the costumes, makeup, hair, and special attention. She's hoping next year to do both ballet and start jazz as well. So we'll see.....As for this year she did awesome! We are very proud!
Since photos during the show in prohibited, I tried to take some without my flash. Here are some that didn't turn out fuzzy! It doesn't do the night justice, but you can get the idea.
Here is Kaitlin with Hannah in their Swan Lake costumes.

This is her on stage during Swan Lake.

This is durning the showcase dance. She is the first one in the picture.

Again another picture in the dressing room.

Elizabeth, Logan and Kaitlin with their "fishing poles" for their showcase dance.
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