Today we went to my Grandma's. (also in Lion's Head) She had her niece Helenka visiting, and with her two family members from Slovakia, Barbara and her mom....not sure of her name..very Slovak. Barbara who is 13 could speak fairly good English while her mom couldn't speak any, so there was a lot of conversations being translated by Helenka, Barbara and my Grandma. It was another very interesting day of learning about another culture and language. At one point Mami, myself, Heather and Barbara were all writing the written numerals from 1 - 10 in four languages. Japan, Slovak, English and French. It was very funny and interesting watching everyone interact with each other.
Here is Mami, Barbara, her mom, my grandma, and my mom.

Here is Heather, Marc, Helenka, my aunt Danielle, and Carl.

Mami and Kortney are in this little tent taking pictures of the kids playing volleyball!

Some pics of the beachball volleyball game!