Thursday, August 27, 2009

Annabell aka the naughty goat!

Annabell came to us from a friend of ours who didn't have the need or space for her anymore. Annabell had been a companion for her horse, but with boarding another horse now she needed a new home for Annabell to go. Of course, I said sure when she asked, knowing that the kids would be thrilled to have another goat....A pygmy goat at that.

We were a little surprised when Annabell came to us. We put her in the field with the other 2 goats figuring she'd be happy to see a familiar face. Well she didn't even give them a glance, before going under the fence, right to the horse field. She wanted nothing to do with her "own kind" running right to the animals she's used to - horses! So this was in July sometime. Since then we moved the horses to the same field as the goats, which helped her stay in and get used to the goats. Eventually we moved the goats into a different field with the sheep. (Annabell could still see the horses), but of course she would not stay with them. The problem is now that she wanders in and out with the horses. Fences mean nothing to her even though they have power on them she just goes on through! Every now and then Dan gets annoyed and she ends up locked in the shed. This morning though, while leaving we had to drive around her as she was resting in the middle of the lane way! For now at least I can say she is staying away from my flowers :)

Queen Annabell

Eventually checking out the other goats. Although she really doesn't have any desire to be with them.

Annabell with the horses.

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