We celebrated Halloween this year as always with excited kids, undecided costume ideas and in the end with lots of candy!
The kids couldn't wait to carve their pumpkins, and had a hard time deciding which pumpkin they wanted. Then the next decision, how they wanted their pumpkin to be carved. Travis, using his Ipod had to check out some pumpkin ideas from the internet before deciding on a puking pumpkin. Travis always hates scooping out the inside of the pumpkin, so this idea was perfect for him. He was able to use a fork and pull some of it out the front without cleaning out the whole inside. He was very happy with the finish look!

Kortney knew what shapes she wanted for the face, but then wanted to continue to cutout pieces from her pumpkin. It had little holes all over it that she carved out herself. Had we not eventually stopped her, I'm sure her pumpkin would have been well carved all around!

Dawson knew right away what he wanted - a vampire pumpkin. He helped with the carving and tried adding red marker around the mouth. He also wanted to carve bats into the side.

Every year Kaitlin likes to use a stencil to carve her picture into her pumpkin. This year she choose a ghost and carved in the word BOO into the sides.

The Friday night before Halloween I brought Kaitlin, Dawson and Kortney to a dance/party in Auburn. They had loads of fun with lots of other friends there! Here is a just some of the kids that came that night!

Kortney and her friend Cassie.

Dawson and his friends.

Chloe, Avery and Brianna.

Kortney and more friends.

Kaitlin and Avery.

As for costumes this year we had some changes in decisions. Travis was of course his regular Halloween self. Dressed up in a long black robe with his face covered. Kaitlin had decided to be a devil, but then changed her mind and was a black cat. Dawson copied Travis and wore a black robe with a mask and Kortney who was going to be a devil too ended up dressing up as a pumpkin! I don't have too many pictures of Halloween night since I
forgot with all the comotion about pictures until it was too late. And Travis was gone with friends trick or treating in Clinton.
So that's it, another Halloween gone and done....Next, Christmas which is my favourite time of the year!!