Summer sure went fast this year and before we knew it was the middle of Aug, and our annual trip to the cottage! Aka - Shebe.
The kids are always super excited and can't wait to get there and have the freedom Shebe allows them to have. With years of packing, planning and looking after babies and toddlers during this week it's very strange for Dan and I to now be bringing kids that are all fairly self sufficient. They helped pack their bags, traveled without much fuss and once at Shebe were off doing there own thing. Yes, there are lots we can do together still which is great, but Dan and I are able to visit, sit on the beach and enjoy the week differently then a few years ago. All of us are enjoying the bit of freedom during our holiday!
Every year Dan goes for a ski on his birthday. At 35 he still has it!

He even had a good "landing".

A picture at the beach with Kaitlin and Christen getting ready one of many tube rides!

Kaitlin was able to hang on tight enough and not fall off.

After her ride!

Some of the kids jumping of the boat and tube.

Sandra, Ty and Wyatt playing in the sand.

Travis in the woods on the island he loves to explore.

The boys checking out the shore line on the island.

Dawson way up on one of the rocks.

Here comes Dan and the girls!

Docking the boat.

Travis checking out what's under the water with his goggles.

Silly pictures of Dan and me :)

Heading back to Shebe.

Of course it turned into a bumper paddle boat ride!

Kortney jumping of the paddle boat.

Dan, Kortney and Alex fishing of the dock.

Every year when there's a cooler day everyone gets together for a ring toss tournament. This year Travis and his friend Jarod organized the afternoon.

Yvonne and the girls watching the games.

Kaitlin and Dan.

Pete helping the boys figure out who plays next.

The B side winners - Doug and Candy!

The A side winners - Jordana and Brendan!

The annual potluck dinner. There were around 70 of us this year!

Jarod and Travis playing poker!

Hanging out on the beach.

Kaitlin loved to help with her cousin Mackenzie!

Holiday Harve is never far without his drink!

Kortney trying out the skis!

Dawson and Dan going on tour.

Doug, Terry and Mike off to "whale's head"

Swimming to the shore to jump of "whale's head"!

Mike jumping!

Brendan doing one of his flips!

Chloe, Emily and Kaitlin jumping! Kaitlin loved this and jumped a few times two different days!

Mike, Mackenzie, Kortney, Alex and Emily hanging out on the dock. Kortney and Alex just loved being with Emily and were consitantly looking for to hang out!

Kaitlin and Chloe.

Jarod and Travis the last day. The week always goes by so fast and the kids are never ready to go home. They'll have to wait another year before continuing their adventures at Shebe.
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