Monday, December 3, 2007

More babies!

Here are some pics of our newest additions. As some of you may know this past summer Dan bought two herds of sheep. 24 of them are due to have babies this Dec. Well the first three came on Thursday night. Unfortunately only one of the triplets survived. Since then there has been another 12 born. Everyone is cute and healthy. Most have been twins but tonight there were another set of triplets. The kids have been loving this. Every day they have been out there checking and counting the babies. They have even watched a bunch of them being born! Unlike cattle, the mom sheep are pretty tame so the kids have been petting and holding the babies a lot. Travis has claimed the one spotted one as his. The first set of babies needed to be bottle fed so the kids each got turns feeding them with the bottle. Dan has been busy making pens and moving them around. Tonight he did chores at the barn, came home for supper, then went out to the shed to look after the sheep, horses and other critters out there. It's 10:00 and he's still not in yet. Not sure if he's enjoying the sheep, but the kids are on cloud nine. Tonight Dawson told Dan that we were so lucky and that he's going to tell everyone at school that we have sheep. Even Kortney is having fun. Yesterday when the other kids went out I told her she had to stay in with me for now. Well she got really pissed and told said "Me is a big girl!"

Anyway, just thought I'd share our news. Wish us luck with the rest of the babies. Not sure how many we'll end up with!

All for now,


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kaitlin this spring

One of my phobias in life is the dentist. I absolutely hate it and dread even bringing the kids there. I hate everything about it - the smell the sounds ugh! Travis and Kaitlin have been going now for afew years and I feel bad but's been a year since their last apt. I had to canceled the 6 month check up for some reason I can't think of. So yesterday finally came and off to the dentist we had to go. (me + four kids) As if it weren't bad enough I had Kortney with me who is a typical get into everything 2 year old. On a good note though it was Dawson's first apt and he did great! He even let the girl do a fluoride treatment to his bottom teeth. Travis on the other hand is more like me (I never let my kids know I hate it. I try very hard to hide this). Travis gags with the fluoride treatment every time and this time she couldn't even get him to hold the thing in his mouth for the xray. It's really hard for me too, the kids are always in two different rooms and they all want me to be with them. I end up having to run back and forth from room to room to make sure they're ok.
Kortney was cute. When the other three were done she was determined it was her turn! I kept saying when you're older you'll get a turn. The girl let Kortney go on the chair though and have "a turn". She let the lady move the chair up and back, put the sunglasses on, she opened her mouth and got her teeth counted! She was thrilled! Once the dentist came in and checked every one's teeth she wanted another turn. It was too cute!
I guess another part of taking the kids to the dentist is the stress of them having cavities. If they did I would take it personally. I feel like the dentist would think I'm not doing a good enough job as a mom. It's silly I know but I feel them having cavities is a direct reflection of me. So I was thrilled when all three of them had no cavities!!!! It's always something to celebrate. The tradition has been we go to Tim Hortons after and they get to pick out a doughnut for desert. This is very special for them since I usually only buy timbits. So, that was my afternoon. A little stressful but it ended up good, and it's done for another 6 months!!!Thank god!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A proud mommy moment!

Kaitlin 6 months old Kaitlin's first steps
Kaitlin's curly hair days
Big sister Kaitlin
Kaitlin this summer

Can you tell I've been busy lately and preoccupied? I've thought of writing now and again but just haven't had time or have been on (dare I say.....facebook)

Not much is new with the Hoggarts, just daily things that have been keeping us on the go.

Over the past few months though, I have had the chance to meet someone new and learn something amazing about Kaitlin. It all started after Christmas last year when a new little girl came into Kaitlin's class. Up until the last few months I haven't thought much of it. To make a long story short this new friend of Kaitlin's has selective mutism. She does and can talk to family but does not talk anywhere else. Well this fall I was floored when I found out how much Kailtin and this girl have bonded. Kaitlin does talk lots about Ashlyn but I wasn't aware of how good Kaitlin has been to her and how much that has helped Ashlyn in coming to a new school. It's hard for her to bond with other children but I have been told Kailin has been so accepting and caring that Ashlyn is happy at school. It's just been this past week that Ashlyn has actually talked to Kaitlin for the first time! This is a huge step and we're thrilled. Kaitlin came home from school and told me she had the best day cause Ashlyn let Kaitlin sit with her, her mom and the teacher while she read a book outloud at school for the first time! It's wonderful to see the happiness Kaitlin has for her friend. And to hear how wonderful my daughter is, and how much she has helped Ashlyn makes me speechless. I'm so proud of her and the friend she's being to someone who needs a patient caring friend. Her mom wrote me an amazing letter about Kaitlin which I will treasure always. It's exciting to see the friendship of these two little girls blossom. There's a bond there that both myself and Ashlyn's mom are so thankful for. So what could make this awesome situation even better?....Ashlyn's mom and I get along great as well! Sometimes you just have to sit back and think, yes things happen for a reason (like her moving here) and how strange and wonderful events seem to unfold like it was planned by "someone".
Somethings are just meant to be and I'm so thrilled that this has happened for these two little girls and me too!

Monday, October 22, 2007

A weak moment

Last week I said yes to something I've always said no to before. The kids and I were in Wallmart and if they're good I always promise we can go say hi (then bye)to the fish. Well this week before I knew it I found myself checking out the beta fish. I was surprised to see they were only $3.97. So we picked one out. I figured we could use the big vase from Debby's wedding to put it in. Well Travis then discover the snails....he didn't want just a fish anymore. It was only $1.47 but I told him I didn't think you could put anything with a beta fish. Turns out I was wrong, so the lady told me. Needless to say we came home with two new pets. I have to say though I'm enjoying them. The vase is in the middle of the table so we watch them while we're eating supper. It's great to give the kids something to keep them busy while eating and of course they all love it.

Kortney is too cute. She's still telling me the fish is going to bite her and she's afraid of the snail. I keep telling her they won't hurt her so then her next question is always are they going to crawl on her neck? So I spend the day reassuring her the snail and fish don't come out of the water, we just look at them.

The biggest problem with these new creatures is cleaning them out. Yesterday I dumped out the water, and rinse it, then added new water but it still had little things floating it it. Yes I have to admit, I like the "look" of the fish and if we're going to have them I want it to look nice all the time. Yucky water on my table isn't the look I'm going for. So if anyone has suggestions on cleaning please let me know! Is there a trick to it without having to scrub the vase every time??
Anyway wish me luck...I'm hoping to be able to keep them alive! The pressure from the kids is on!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Most of you know that this past weekend Cheri and I did a road trip to Debby's by Pembroke. He couldn't wait to see Scott, Debby and 5 week old Andrew. Isn't he cute!!! We had a great weekend visiting and playing with the baby. I have to admit I felt a little guilty leaving Dan with all our kids when I know how busy he is right now, but it all worked out. The kids had bonding time with him and I got a much needed break!
I can't wait for Christmas now when he will get to see Scott, Debby and Andrew again. The kids will love to see their new cousin. By then there will be another new niece or nephew too. Can't wait!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

This was just too cute! As I was on the phone and making dinner the other day, Dawson came down to tell me I need to come see what they were doing upstairs. Well that can mean anything and I wasn't sure what they were up to. This is what I found. The four of them up in Travis' bunk wanting to show me how they sing "Hot Cross Buns". This is the first song Travis is learning on the recorder at school and is surprisingly liking it. So here is the little concert they gave me. I just had to share!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Nice surprises

Here's my blue delphinium ready to bloom for the second time this year! I don't think it's supposed to do that.

Do you ever feel like life is just shity then all the sudden things just keep happening that change everything? That's what the past few months have been. Nice surprises. I still can't believe what a day can do. I'm hoping I'm not jinxing myself, but it's nice to feel comfortable and happy with life. I do believe everything happens for a reason so I'm thrilled about what some of these new changes can mean.

Wishing great new things to come to everyone,


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My baby fix

Today most people would think I was crazy....I actually loved it. While three of my children were in school I had Kortney (2), Cassie (15 months) and Kailey (22 months) here. A normal Wed except for I had an extra today - Audrey (4 months). The day was great. The three toddlers wandered around playing, stoped for a snack, played, sleepted and played some more. Other then the odd fight over a toy and trying to keep diapers on Kortney and Kailey (another story) the day goes by smooth.

A friend of mine was needing someone to look after her baby today so naturally I said yes. I have to say I LOVE the baby stage. They're just so precious and innocent and cute. I could have held her all day but I had to fight with the other kids to have my turn! Once Kaitlin and Dawson came home my turn ended quickly. I love the way small children and toddlers are drawn to babies and are naturally wanting to care for them. Today while Audery was crying I had the three toddlers all trying to hand me the baby's toys and blanket. I can't quite understand the mom's I met who can't wait for their babies to get older and out of the baby stage. I know some of you will be laughing at me wondering when the next one is coming here.....Well sadly I have to say I'm done. I know I've said this before but this time I'm sticking with it. I love being pregnant and the baby stage but they grow up so darn fast. Before you know it you end up with a little child who is stubborn and knows what they want and don't want. That's when I get frustrated. The babies are so easy it just doesn't last. I know I don't have the patience for another one although I wish I did. I'd love to be one of those mother's who seem to have it all together with patience to spare, but by the end of the day I'm counting the minutes before bed time.

For now I just have to enjoy the baby time I get with other people's and move on to the next stage of my life.....

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Hurray!!! today Dawson finally got to go to school! Let me tell you I think he would have gone last year if he could have. He's so desperately wants to be able to do what Travis and Kaitlin do including going to school. He's been so excited about this day finally coming. I don't think he quite understands time yet so next year, next month next week confuses him but the day has come. He didn't miss a beat going out on the bus and had a big smile on when he came home. His favourite part was of course recess. The problem now is he doesn't go again till Monday....It will be a long couple days. He's driving me crazy at home. He's either board or just has so much energy to wear off and being with toddlers all day doesn't help. My day yesterday was soooo nice and quiet!! I still had Kortney, Kailey and Cassie but they just wondered around the house playing, are lunch and had a nap. I didn't have to argue with anyone or answer the same question 5 times! So I'm looking forward to having just little ones every other day now. It gives me a break until 3:30 which I'm going to love!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

46th Huron Pioneer Threshers

The Threshers in Blyth has become a family tradition for us. For those of you who don't know what the threshers is here's the jist of it.
It's a 40 acre reunion of old antique tractors including lots of steam engines, an old saw mill, threshing demonstrations, horse plowing demonstrations, antiques, tractor pulls, antique lawnmower pulling, flea market, craft show, kids entertainment, ect....The kids love it. I love it because of the atmosphere of things from the past. It makes me think of all the crap that's made now compared to the quality tools, machinery, household things and so on we now have offered to us in stores. The world seems to becoming a throwout society of junk. If it's broke just buy a new one...I'm guilty of it too. The dollar store is just too tempting. It's nice to go back in time to the way it used to be and show the kids history. History I hope doesn't get forgotten once our elderly generation is gone. I often wonder will there be enough people to pass this history down??

Another reason we love going is the obvious-it's close plus it only cost us $5.00 to get in!! Dan paid a $10.00 member fee a while back which got him in free and kids under 12 are free. It's such a wonderful family day and compared to a fair which seems to cost more and more each year. There's face painting and balloon animals for the kids (free), entertainment and unless you go through the craft show there's not much else to buy. There aren't tons of booths all trying to sell you something. We treated the kids to some homemade icecream being made there. So the day cost us $17.00!

Dan became a member this year so Travis could compete in the lawnmore pull. Dan and him have been working on an old lawnmower getting it ready. In the class Travis was in for weight he got 6 out of 11. He pulled 67 1/4 in. A full pull was somewhere around 80in. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more Dan or Travis! At the end all the kids that pulled got a ribbon and a prize. Travis got a double set of collector tractor playing cards.

So it was a great day. The rain even stayed alone.
One more reason I love living in a small community like this!


Dan and the kids with George Townsends tractor. An old steam excavator.

Kaitlin ready to watch to pull.
Dan, Travis with their lawnmower.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

An update

The last few days have been busy for us. This weekend my family came to celebrate Kortney's 2 birthday (which is actually on the 7) I can't believe my baby is 2!! She is nonstop playing and getting into everything. Her favourite song to sing right now is "ring around the rosie" and "happy birthday". She is a silly little girl who spends her days copying everything her siblings are doing.

Yesterday I became an aunt for the 5th time!! Dan's sister Debby and Scott had a baby boy - Andrew William Niccoli. Since Dan took the call I don't know many details other then it was a c-section and he's 7lbs 8oz, and has red hair! I can't wait to see them....I'm not sure if I have to wait till Christmas or if I can make it up to Pembroke before that.

Today as you all will know was the first day of school. Travis was not thrilled, Kaitlin was excited. I was glad to see them go! Although the summer didn't seem long enough, the kids are in need of a break from each other and me! Dawson has to wait till next Wed for his first day. Today he gets to play with Chloe. I'm back into the routine of care giving. Tues to Thurs I have Kailey, Chloe and Cassie here. We're all having a quite time now. Three of them are sleeping.

So that's the update for now.


Congratulations Debby and Scott!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

More pictures

Dawson's little toad he found in the woods.
Kaitlin taking pictures of Dan and me.

Kortney and Alex eating Grandma's cookies.
The men coming back from "fishing"
The big nickle in Sudbury.

Our yearly tradition

Kaitlin loved canoeing!

Travis and Jarod's beach project More beach fun
Our resorts potluck dinner. First half of the group...
second half

Well I finally have a chance to update again! Where has the summer gone?!!

Yesterday we came back from our week at the cottage. Whenever we tell people we're going to the cottage (Shebe) they think we have one. Well we think of the resort as ours....It all started 30 years ago this summer. Dan's family, aunts, uncles, (from both sides), neighbours and friends have been going up the same week in August. The group has grown over the years and there are now 3 resorts on the same lake we all stay at. Every year things change slightly. We used to share a large cottage with 3 other couple but now that we all have kids we changed it to 2 couples per cottage. The past two years Dan, the kids and I have rented our own one. It's great. The cottages are all close together and ours is practically on the beach. The kids love it. Since we take over the resort the kids can go from cottage to cottage or up to the park mostly at their own free will. They have the freedom to roam and they love it. Everyone is always sad to come home knowing another year has come and gone.
Since the weather wasn't great, Dan and I took the kids up to Sudbury to Science North and to the Dynamic Earth. This was a great day. The science centre had so much for them to see and do and at Dynamic earth we went on a tour of the mines. The highlight was the kids panning for gold. We actually found 3 pieces we could keep. Tiny gold flecks - but the kids were thrilled.

So that's what we've been busy at. Today we went school shopping so reality of the end of summer is hitting the kids. Travis isn't happy, Kaitlin just wants to wear her new clothes and Dawson can't wait.

I'll let you know how the first day goes!

Monday, August 6, 2007

More critters


Yes Dan has brought home more critters. He has been wanting to get some sheep now since last winter but hasn't been able to find the breed he wants. This group of mixed sheep was a good deal and was close to home. There are 19 of them plus Gilbert. Gilbert is the pet sheep that almost died at birth. His last owners nursed him back to health and is now very friendly.

The kids are thrilled to have the sheep out in the shed. All Dawson wants to do is ride on one.

With these sheep came an "extra bonus" as Travis like to call it - 14 free chickens. We already had 10 chickens who will start to lay eggs when they're a bit older. These new chickens are a year old so the kids are going out and collecting eggs every day. This is very exciting to them to see how many there are each time. Every morning and every night the kids are responsible for doing the chores in the shed. A recap of the animals - sheep, chickens, ducks, turkeys, a dog and a cat. They have been doing really good everyday and so far there hasn't been any complaints.

This place is really starting to feel like a petting zoo. I know the kids are so lucky to have this. I hope it teaches them a love for animals and responsibility. Something everyone wants for their children. I'm glad we're able to have the life we live.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Do you ever have those perfect days? For me something always goes wrong somehow, but last Friday we had a great day. Five friends of mine and their kids all met up in Wingham at the splash pad. (if you've never been you should go). The day started off cool and windy, and all of us weren't sure if the kids would be able to enjoy the water. It turned out to be perfect. For most of the morning we had the park to ourselves and all the kids played great together.

Days like these I treasure. It's so nice to get together with good friends and not have kids fighting and complaining they're bored. I guess the only downfall to the day was I had to have my kids at swimming by 1:00 so we had to leave after our picnic.

I hope we can do it again before the summers over girls!

Love ya,


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


(In the train on our way to Toronto last fall)
Life is so funny. Nine years ago when we had Travis I really didn't know anything about babies. Having gone through it now four times I feel like a pro. I also now know that the babies are very easy compared to life with children who become their own little people. Whenever I see a pregnant woman I find myself smiling and remembering back. I think about how this little baby is going to change their lives forever. It's like once you've had a baby you now belong on the other side with the group - parents. It's something that no one could have prepared me for. Yes I knew it would be work - diapers, sleepless nights, crying, laundry and all that. I wasn't prepared though for the emotional part that went with it. It seems my days now are constantly trying to figure out how to deal with situations and just when I think I have it figured out it changes again. With four kids these "situations" come and go continuously. Today I'm being the mean parent and forcing Travis to go to swimming lessons everyday for two weeks....Should I be forcing him or should I just accept the fact that he doesn't like water???I've been debating this in my head now for a year and I still don't know that that "right answer" is. Dan has just taken him kicking and screaming.

With Kaitlin I always worry about her self esteem. Am I hurting it (some days I think so when I'm out of patience) I worry about her friends and what other influences are effecting her. Dawson is just a bundle of energy that doesn't listen. There are days when he's wonderful don't get me wrong but overall he has this complete boy personality - rough and tough. He thinks everything in life is funny and will gladly entertain anyone who is around.
There are times when I'm not sure if what they're doing is just a stage/phase or if this is part of their personality. Kortney is also very much her own little person. The cute baby stage is leaving and she knows what she wants and doesn't want. She tries very hard to keep up with the rest of the crew.

So ya, when these four were babies it was definitely easier for me. Feed them, wash them, play, put them to sleep. Done. Now there's all this extra stuff to be worrying about. Should I do or not do certain things, am I spoiling them too much, am I expecting to much from them for their age. The list could go on. It is never ending and I'm thinking it's only going to get worse. Travis is not that far from his teenage years.

I know I'll get responses telling me I'm worrying too much and my kids are great. I hope I can keep handling the daily frustrations and challenges without losing it!

Just had to vent today!!
