Kaitlin loved canoeing!
Travis and Jarod's beach project

More beach fun

Our resorts potluck dinner. First half of the group...

second half

Well I finally have a chance to update again! Where has the summer gone?!!
Yesterday we came back from our week at the cottage. Whenever we tell people we're going to the cottage (Shebe) they think we have one. Well we think of the resort as ours....It all started 30 years ago this summer. Dan's family, aunts, uncles, (from both sides), neighbours and friends have been going up the same week in August. The group has grown over the years and there are now 3 resorts on the same lake we all stay at. Every year things change slightly. We used to share a large cottage with 3 other couple but now that we all have kids we changed it to 2 couples per cottage. The past two years Dan, the kids and I have rented our own one. It's great. The cottages are all close together and ours is practically on the beach. The kids
love it. Since we take over the resort the kids can go from cottage to cottage or up to the park mostly at their own free will. They have the freedom to roam and they love it. Everyone is always sad to come home knowing another year has come and gone.
Since the weather wasn't great, Dan and I took the kids up to Sudbury to Science North and to the Dynamic Earth. This was a great day. The science centre had so much for them to see and do and at Dynamic earth we went on a tour of the mines. The highlight was the kids panning for gold. We actually found 3 pieces we could keep. Tiny gold flecks - but the kids were thrilled.
So that's what we've been busy at. Today we went school shopping so reality of the end of summer is hitting the kids. Travis isn't happy, Kaitlin just wants to wear her new clothes and Dawson can't wait.
I'll let you know how the first day goes!