Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A long day

We have the cold bug going through our house right now. Travis has been really sick since Friday and both Dan and I have it. The other three have had an off day or so but overall are doing good.
This morning I was really hoping Travis would be able to go back to school but I just couldn't send him. His eyes are still blood shot, his head still hurts and he's coughing and sniffling. He was supposed to do his speech on Monday but there was just no way. Hopefully he's doing better tomorrow but the way he looked tonight I'm not counting on it.
Today was the worse feeling day for me. I could have crawled into a dark hole. I also had Kailey here today ( the little one I care give for). I got everyone to have a nap this afternoon so I could lay down too but Kortney never sleeps long. After her 45min nap I pulled her into bed with me. Well she spent the next half an hour pulling all the kleenex out of a box. I was to tired to care though.
Tomorrow could be another long day. Kailey comes at 7:30 in the morning tomorrow. Way to early for me but oh well. This can't last forever.

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