Life really is funny sometimes. I'm sure everything happens for a reason, and you just never know what's going to happen next.
Do you ever have those days and you think "why is this happening", or "I wish .....", or"what's life going to throw at me next?" and then you wake up one day and all the sudden the answer is there or the problem just doesn't seem that big anymore?
I'm learning more to have faith. I guess that's easy right now when life is good, but things do seem to work themselves out if you give them time. (I'm not a patient person though!)
I'm not sure who out there are Garth Brooks fans but he has a song called "unanswered prayers" It's all about wishing for something or someone and it just isn't meant to be and you can't understand why, then later in life you realize why god didn't answer that prayer was because he had something better in store. Yep it's all about faith, patience and maybe some karma. Some days that's really hard to swallow, and others you end up with a gift you didn't expect.
I love this blog Michelle! (Now I've read how you guys are all feeling so crappy...hang in there). It's so true, there are many times in my life when God hasn't answered prayers the way I wanted Him to , and now I'm so GLAD he didn't give me what I thought I 'needed' at the time. You're awesome! HOpe you all feel better soon,
It's amazing when we realize God is always at our side, ready to hold us up when we need it most...and to answer our prayers even when we dont know what we are really praying for. Everything is giving to us when the time is right. Some of us fight that, want to be in control. Some of us learn we dont always know what is best for ourselves. But if we allow ourselves to be quiet, inside, where our heart touches God's heart, then we will find everything happens because His love for us is overwhelming. In the quiet moments, we will understand the WHY. Garth Brooks must know exactly what this feels like to write the songs he writes.
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