Then there's his other side. The side that argues with everything I say, and nothing I do is good enough. It's extremely frustrating!!
Homework is a uge fight everytime. Right now he has a test about light on Wen, he has to write a story about responsibility by Friday and he has to do his storytelling to the class next week. Well apparently "he won't remember the info" and doesn't care if he fails. This coming from the boy who got 98% on his last test about rocks. I have to agree with him though that it is a lot to remember. Some of the questions are:
Explain transparent, translucent and opaque means.
What does transmit, reflect and absorb mean.
Show using an experiment how light travels in a straight line.
Tell what happens to light when it goes through water.
Name the colours of the rainbow in order,
What causes a shadow....and there's more...
He also hates writing stories too. It's a big fight just to get him to write about something in his journal let alone come up with a fictional story. Anything I suggest is never good enough. So the fight is on....I really try not to argue with him because I know I will never win with him, but it's hard when it's homework and it has to be done.
Going to the barn has also now become an issue. He loved going with Daddy to the barn before. Well now it's "boring and it's too much work." We're making him go a couple times a week though because it's good for him and Dan says once he's there he enjoys it. I'm really worried about how he'll be when he's older. Dan was raised with such a good work ethic. He's super hard working and loves it. Sitting around is something he rarely does. There's always work to be done, and on the odd day there's not he'll find somthing. So I really hope Travis is just going through a phase. As I'm saying that though I can hear my mom thinking to herself "I wonder where he gets it from?" Yes I hate to admit it but I was the same when I was younger....Karma sucks doesn't it...
Oh well, I'm trying to not get to worried about it. Overall he is a great kid who I am very proud of, just frustrating sometimes. I'm sure he feels the same about me.
1 comment:
Hmm...I remember a girl who swore up and down she couldnt understand computers at school and hated them, refused to do any homework about she has her own blog and is a seasoned ebay shopper! Kids and Karma...the cycle of life that grandparents can laugh about when their kids are facing the dreaded 'teenager'. You can take heart in knowing they grow out if it and become normal human beings that have kids who will send their karma back again. :> That's the truth that grandparents understand that puts that sly smile on all their faces.
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