Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kaitlin this spring

One of my phobias in life is the dentist. I absolutely hate it and dread even bringing the kids there. I hate everything about it - the smell the sounds ugh! Travis and Kaitlin have been going now for afew years and I feel bad but's been a year since their last apt. I had to canceled the 6 month check up for some reason I can't think of. So yesterday finally came and off to the dentist we had to go. (me + four kids) As if it weren't bad enough I had Kortney with me who is a typical get into everything 2 year old. On a good note though it was Dawson's first apt and he did great! He even let the girl do a fluoride treatment to his bottom teeth. Travis on the other hand is more like me (I never let my kids know I hate it. I try very hard to hide this). Travis gags with the fluoride treatment every time and this time she couldn't even get him to hold the thing in his mouth for the xray. It's really hard for me too, the kids are always in two different rooms and they all want me to be with them. I end up having to run back and forth from room to room to make sure they're ok.
Kortney was cute. When the other three were done she was determined it was her turn! I kept saying when you're older you'll get a turn. The girl let Kortney go on the chair though and have "a turn". She let the lady move the chair up and back, put the sunglasses on, she opened her mouth and got her teeth counted! She was thrilled! Once the dentist came in and checked every one's teeth she wanted another turn. It was too cute!
I guess another part of taking the kids to the dentist is the stress of them having cavities. If they did I would take it personally. I feel like the dentist would think I'm not doing a good enough job as a mom. It's silly I know but I feel them having cavities is a direct reflection of me. So I was thrilled when all three of them had no cavities!!!! It's always something to celebrate. The tradition has been we go to Tim Hortons after and they get to pick out a doughnut for desert. This is very special for them since I usually only buy timbits. So, that was my afternoon. A little stressful but it ended up good, and it's done for another 6 months!!!Thank god!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A proud mommy moment!

Kaitlin 6 months old Kaitlin's first steps
Kaitlin's curly hair days
Big sister Kaitlin
Kaitlin this summer

Can you tell I've been busy lately and preoccupied? I've thought of writing now and again but just haven't had time or have been on (dare I say.....facebook)

Not much is new with the Hoggarts, just daily things that have been keeping us on the go.

Over the past few months though, I have had the chance to meet someone new and learn something amazing about Kaitlin. It all started after Christmas last year when a new little girl came into Kaitlin's class. Up until the last few months I haven't thought much of it. To make a long story short this new friend of Kaitlin's has selective mutism. She does and can talk to family but does not talk anywhere else. Well this fall I was floored when I found out how much Kailtin and this girl have bonded. Kaitlin does talk lots about Ashlyn but I wasn't aware of how good Kaitlin has been to her and how much that has helped Ashlyn in coming to a new school. It's hard for her to bond with other children but I have been told Kailin has been so accepting and caring that Ashlyn is happy at school. It's just been this past week that Ashlyn has actually talked to Kaitlin for the first time! This is a huge step and we're thrilled. Kaitlin came home from school and told me she had the best day cause Ashlyn let Kaitlin sit with her, her mom and the teacher while she read a book outloud at school for the first time! It's wonderful to see the happiness Kaitlin has for her friend. And to hear how wonderful my daughter is, and how much she has helped Ashlyn makes me speechless. I'm so proud of her and the friend she's being to someone who needs a patient caring friend. Her mom wrote me an amazing letter about Kaitlin which I will treasure always. It's exciting to see the friendship of these two little girls blossom. There's a bond there that both myself and Ashlyn's mom are so thankful for. So what could make this awesome situation even better?....Ashlyn's mom and I get along great as well! Sometimes you just have to sit back and think, yes things happen for a reason (like her moving here) and how strange and wonderful events seem to unfold like it was planned by "someone".
Somethings are just meant to be and I'm so thrilled that this has happened for these two little girls and me too!